Art Journal.. improvising pushes creative boundaries!
The background of this page was freeflowing, childlike fun. The theme 'just happened' as I went along playing. All it took was a few watercolour pencils, left over patterned paper,a few embellishments and a whole lot of childish imagination!
This is the envelope I made and the note inside is accordian folded so it springs out. I also like the sparkly blue on the inside of the envelope, makes it feel like a magical surprise awaits me!
This page was originally quite different when I started it, I had stuck words all over and I didn't like the look, it bothered me and kept me from moving I pulled off the words and made the envelope containing the quote instead and I really like how it looks now. It's really taught me that if something goes wrong you can always go back and fix it! Improvise!!
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