The background of this page was freeflowing, childlike fun. The theme 'just happened' as I went along playing. All it took was a few watercolour pencils, left over patterned paper,a few embellishments and a whole lot of childish imagination!
This is the envelope I made and the note inside is accordian folded so it springs out. I also like the sparkly blue on the inside of the envelope, makes it feel like a magical surprise awaits me!
This page was originally quite different when I started it, I had stuck words all over and I didn't like the look, it bothered me and kept me from moving I pulled off the words and made the envelope containing the quote instead and I really like how it looks now. It's really taught me that if something goes wrong you can always go back and fix it! Improvise!!
It's so much fun to think up designs for cards and play with colourful handmade papers and pretty embellishments. I thought they would make great gifts.. and I made envelopes to match!
I'm enjoying the process of creating this album. I started from scratch making the hard bound cover and stitching in the pages. I wanted to bring out the indian-ness of the old photos and so I embellished the pages using traditional colours and patterns.
My Aunt is an inspiration to me and I was thrilled when I found these beautiful old pictures of her. It's a creative way of treasuring memories instead of cold blank albums and it adds that personal touch! (I'm hoping to make lots more!)