What an honour for my friend Shireen and I to be able to create a mural for the new Community Hall to celebrate St.Mark's Cathedral's 200years! We have both grown up in this church and being close friends for so many years this was a special project for us. We began by sketching the church outline onto the wall...
.... next came hard labour, chiselling off the wall plaster to get to the rough brick surface(a great way to release any frustration btw) so that the tiles would fix in well. Shireen then manually broke the strips of tile for us to create the mosaic outline, we then fixed in each tiny piece with cement, reworking parts till it reached perfection. We then filled the inbetween parts with plaster and painted it white to match the rest of the wall.
.... two months later, a few pounds lighter and with a new found respect for each other's talent and patience, we were lovingly polishing our completed, very modern and classy looking, 6x11ft + 2 trees,black and grey mural that will hopefully be around for the next 200 years! It was great to start our careers by doing a little something for God who has, well, given us more than just a little something.
What was our biggest reward? While on a break overhearing a little boy stop to gaze in amazement and say "Wow, it must have a million pieces!".... hmm sure did feel like it!
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